College of Agriculture, Hisar

(Vegetable Science)

Dr. S. K. Tehlan

Head of the Department
Mailing Address

Department of Vegetable Science CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar- 125 004 (India)

Phone No : 01662255207

Email Id :vegscience@hau.ac.in

About Department 

The department was establishment in 1972 as the Department of Vegetable Crops. Realizing the importance of vegetables in the improvement of health and economic standard of the rural people, majority of whom are vegetarian, Haryana Agricultural University took lead in starting the first separate department of vegetable crops in the university. However, along with advancements made in crop technologies and their utilization by the farmers, a change in nomenclature of the department was felt and since 2003, it is referred to as “Department of Vegetable Science”. The mandate of the department is to strengthen the teaching, research and extension work of vegetable crops as the demand of vegetables is increasing day by day due to being more remunerative, high in nutritional value and higher in production per unit area. This department has developed more than sixty varieties including two hybrids in different vegetable crops, which are high yielding, resistant to important diseases of a particular crop. Besides this, agronomical practices for production of vegetables and seeds have also been standardised for enhancement of production per unit. Beside research farm at Hisar, two research centres have been established in various agro-climatic region of the state to work on the regional problems of vegetable crops. One regional research station was established under KVK, Jagdishpur, Sonipat and another one was established at RRS, Uchani, Karnal. Head of the department is the full-flagged in-charge and is overall responsible for teaching, research and extension activities, their management, and administration of the department. The department has highly qualified faculty, well experienced in their respective fields of specialization, i.e., vegetable breeding, vegetable production, vegetable production physiology, vegetable post-harvest technology and vegetable seed production technology.


Last Updated :-Sat, May 18 2024

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Awards and Recognitions

Dr. I. S. Sheoran was awarded Hari Om Ashram award for team research, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai award and NAAS Fellow : -

Infrastructural Development

  • The department has a Botanical Garden spread over an area of 10.5 acres with rich biodiversity. The department has done pioneering work in conserving the indigenour local species of plant and also introduction of exotic specis (approximately 600) from other places. Various native and exotic trees, shurbs, herbs, climbers, aquatic plants, cacti and succulents have been collected and maintained for imparting knowledge to our students as well as related scientists. Flower shows are organized from time to time.
  • The department has 9 screening houses near the college building.
  • The department has developed 20 salinity micro plots to determine phyto-remediating potential of halophytic flora and 24 lysimeter have been installed in field to determine the transpirational potential of trees having importannce in bio-drainage.
  • Experimental farms spread over 25 acres have been developed to evaluate bio-drainage potential of trees to improve waterlogged soils.

Package and Practices

system having Eucalyptus tereticornis as a strip plantation should be established on the water logged soils. In this model north to south field boundary is converted into 2.6 m wide and 45 cm high raised bund on which two rows of trees can be planted. The intervening space is left for the crops with minimum of shade effect due to the north-south direction of bunds� initiated by Drs. O.P. Toky, Rajiv Angrish and J.C. Kaushik included in the HAU Package of Practices.

Other Activities of the Department

Van Mahotsav was celebrated at CCS HAU premises in Botanical Garden of the Department of Botany & Plant Physiology On 27th July, 2015. The guest of honour in the function was honourable Agriculture Minister Sh. O.P.Dhankar. The Agriculture Minister, Vice -Chancellor (Dr. K.S.Khokhar), Member of Board (Dr. Ramesh Yadav) & Dean PGS (Dr. Rajbala Grewal) planted Tejpata, Putjeeva, Raintree and Chandni trees in Botanical Gardn.

On 20th August, 2015 tree plantation programme was conducted by the Department of Botany & Plant Physiology, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities in the Botanical Garden. The Deputy Director General (Crop Science) Dr. J.S.Sandhu Guest of Honour planted trees, along with dignitaries Vice -Chancellor (Dr.K.S.Khokhar), Registrar (Dr.M.S.Dahiya), Director of Research (Dr.S.S.Siwach), Dean, COA (Dr. R.K.Pannu) & Dean, COBS&H (Dr.R.KJain). The planted trees were Sacred Ashoka, Kachnar, Dalchini, Ashok and Ficus Sp.

Training/Symposium /Conference Organized

Organized 4 day Third Indian Palynological conference on Palynology in Crop Production & Improvement in Sepetember 21-23, 1981.

Organized 3 day Symposium of Plant Physiology (1984) in collaboration with Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi.

The Department organized National Level Training Programme on Biodrainaege: Potential and Practice funded by Ministry of Water Resources G.O.I., from Feb 1st to 6th, 2008. Dr. R. Angrish of this Department was the Course Director, held at DHRM, CCS HAU, Hisar.

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