| Dr. Rajiv Kumar PateriaUniversity Librarian Nehru Library, CCS Haryana Agricultural University Hisar - 125 004, INDIA Telephones : 01662-284328, 255416 E-mail : librarianhau@gmail.com; library@hau.ac.in |
Nehru Library is a blend of functional structure, elegance and exquisiteness- possesses a rich collection of about 3.82 lakh volumes of books, bound volumes of journals and other documents to cater to the informational and intellectual requirements of the students, teachers, research scholars, extension specialists and other staff of the University located at Hisar and other parts of the State of Haryana. This magnificent Library has maintained its collections at College of Home Science, Hisar, College of Agriculture, Kaul, Campus School, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), and Regional Research Stations. Nehru Library is successfully leaping towards executing the onerous job of exploiting the power of information technologies to its advantage applying them to various library activities for retrieval and dissemination of information.