
स्वास्थ्य विभाग, चौधरी चरण सिंह हरियाणा कृषि विश्वविद्यालय

स्वास्थ्य विभाग, हरियाणा

Hospital Timings :- 

Summer (May to July) 

Morning Shift (OPD) 8.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon                Evening Shift (OPD) 4.00 P.M. to 5.30 P.M. 

Winter (August to April) 

Morning Shift (OPD) 9.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.                    Evening Shift (OPD) 4.00 P.M. to 5.30 P.M. 


1. The University has a 50 bedded hospital at Hisar and dispensaries at three outstations viz., Regional Research Station Bawal, (Rewari), Regional Research Station Uchani (Karnal) and College of Agriculture, Kaul. Medical cover is given to HAU employees, their dependants and the students, the periodical trainees from Army and other departments, the staff of HARSAC, tissue Culture Lab and other ICAR staff posted at Hisar of both the Universities i.e. HAU/LLRUVAS, Hisar.
2. Casualty services run round the clock.
3. For Chronic disease patient's medicines for one month are being provided and supervised.
4. The outdoor/emergency patients are attended by the Senior Medical Officer and Medical Officers and Indoor facility  also available in the hospital round the clock.
5. The Dental Surgeon also provide the service of RCT+ Dental surgical procedures of the patient and dental unit has been made Air-conditioned for better care facility of the patients X-rays of the employees and their dependent of CCSHAU/LUVAS are being done in the department of Vet. Clinics, LUVAS, Hisar.
6. Facility i.e. ICU, X-Rays of  Dental and lab tests are performed in the Campus Hosiptal.
7. Scrutiny of Medical Reimbursement Bills is being done by Medical Reimbursement Committee.
8. Medical Examination of students, faculty and school children being done at the time of admission.
09. Inter Departmental meeting are attended by SMO for better health care facilities in the University.
10. Medical care is being provided in Krishi Melas, Sports meet & other functions of the University.

Controlling Officer : Dr. M. L. Khichar D.S.W.

Telephone Nos.

Office : 01662-255369

Emergency no. : 01662255218

Facilities in Hospital

Issue & Renewal of chronic disease certificate

Medical Rimbursement Performa for the Employee Pensioners and their Dependent

Guidelines to be attached for Medical reimbursement

Performa for Health Card

Empanelment Hospitals list

 Health Card Proforma for dependants

Affidavit for reimbursement Bill

Issuance of guidlines regarding Smart Health Card to dependants of deceased employees & retired employees for availing cashless medical facility

Campus Hospital Staff

Sr. No. 
Name of Employees 

Dr. Preeti Malik
(Add. Charge of SMO)

Dr. Meenakshi Grewal

Dr. Pushpender Singh

Dr. Surbhi

Dr. Virender Kumar
Dental Surgeon

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