![]() | Sr. Coordinator, Dr. Ram Karan Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jind Contact No : 01681-245940 Email : sckvkjind@gmail.com |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Jind (Haryana), Established in 1992 under the aegis of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, is the grass-root level vocational training Centre in the State Gram Panchayat Pandu Pindara donated 40.2 acres of land for establishment and conductance of adaptive research trials on various aspects of agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture, home science, agro forestry etc. for the benefit of various sections of rural and urban society. The KVK farm is located 125 Kms from national capital New Delhi, 80 kms from the main campus on Jind Gohana road at Holy place of Mahabharta village Pandu Pindara 5 Kms from Jind city. Jind is one of the 22 districts of Haryana state in northern India. Jind town is the district headquarters. It is one of the oldest districts of Haryana. Total area of Jind is about 2702 Sq Km. District have 4 sub-divisions. There are 8 blocks in the district namely Alewa, Jind, Julana, Narwana,Pillukhera, Safidon, Uchanaand Ujhana. These comprise 309 villages of district.
Krishi Vignan Kendra (KVK) is a project of ICAR for testing and transfer of Agricultural technologie to bridge the gap between production and productivity and to increase self employment opportunities among the farming communities. The trainings offered here follow the principles of “Learning by doing” and "seeing is believing". It offers skill and knowledge oriented trainings for farmers, farmwomen and unemployed rural youths, conducts ‘On Farm Research’ for technology refinementand front line demonstrations to properly demonstrate the latest agricultural technologies to the farmers as well as to the extension workers. The KVK functions on the principles of collaborative participation of subject-matter specialists, extension workers and farmers. The KVK is the light house of knowledge to the farming community of the State.
The climate of this district is on the whole dry, hot in summer and cold in winter. The year may be divided into four seasons. The cold season from November to March is followed by hot season which lasts till the onset of the south-west monsoon.The average rainfall over the districtas a whole is 55 cm. The mean daily maximum temperature during June is around 410C and the mean daily minimum around 270C. On individual days, the day temperature may occasionally exceed47 or 480C.
Major crops of the district in kharif season are Paddy, Bajra, sugarcane and cotton whereas in rabi season wheat and oilseeds (Raya). Cotton is the important cash crop of the district. Total area covered by cotton in the district in 2021-22 is 65 thousand hactares. Out of blocks in the district uchana has the highest area under cotton crop i.e. 75% of total area of Uchana. Other blocks Narwana, Alewa and Jind have 60%, 40% and 30% area respectively.
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