![]() | Dr. B.S. Beniwal Sr. Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Fatehabad Contact No : 9053068367, 9416264528 Email : ccshaukvkfatehabad@gmail.com kvkfatehabadsc@gmail.com |
KVK, Fatehabad came into existence on July, 2004. It is located 52 kms away from Hisar in North-Western direction and is connected to National highway No. 9. Fatehabad is well connected by road from national & state capitali.e. Delhi &Chandigarh and is bordered by Sangrur and Mansa districts of Punjab in the North and Bhadra Tehsil of Hanumangarh district (Rajasthan) in the West. Krishi VigyanKendra (KVK) is an innovative science based institution which undertakes vocational training for farmers, farm women and unemployed rural youths, conduct On Farm Research (OFTs) for technology assessment and front line demonstrations (FLDs) to properly demonstrate the latest agricultural technologies to the farmers on the principle of “Teaching and learning by doing”. The KVK functions on the principles of collaborative participation with Extension Workers of line Departments and farmers to reduce the time lag between the generation of technologies and its transfer to the ultimate users.
The climate of Fatehabad district is of very pronounced character i.e. very hot in summer and very cold during winters. Temperature ranges from 01 to 480C. Average annual rainfall is 267 mm. Topography of the districtis plain. Soils are sandy, sandy loam and clay with pH ranges from 7.5 to 9.00. In Fatehabad 51.09, 17.52% and 31.39% water is of poor, marginaland good qualityrespectively. Paddy-wheat and cotton-wheat is the main crop rotationis being followedin the district. The averageyield of paddy, cotton and wheat are 41.43, 585 lint and 50.04 quinalsper hectare respectively during the year 2022-23. The other crops grown are guar, bajra,oilseeds and pulses. Buffalo is the main milch animal followed by cow, sheep and goat. Horticultural and vegetable crops are also being cultivated in the district& its area is scattered.Now, the Fatehabad district is gaining momentumin production of kinnow & Guava for domestic and international markets.
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