Library Services

Library Services
Conferencing facility:  Conferencing facility is being provided to the scientists of the university for different academic purposes. It is considered the glittering feather in the cap of the library. The scientists of CCSHAU using this facility and students can have live interactions with their fraternity at remote locations. In fact, this is a multipurpose facility. It can also be used for delivering a Power Point Presentation to a group of the audience. During the period under report this facility was used for many educational purposes. 
Reference Service implies the provision of human beings as canvassing agents for the learning resources.  It, truly, reveals the positive outcome of the library ethics, and is a barometer of library’s reputation amongst its patrons. Reference Desk, headed by a senior library professional,  is located on the first floor at the central place. The Reference Librarian, assisted by other staff guides/helps the library users in the location and selection of documents/ information, in the use of OPAC, and to procure information from other libraries, if the need be. It is here that the freshers are offered orientation programmes to apprise them of the library organization and services.

Nehru Library offers unmatched  Reading Facilities. There are 6 Reading Halls with seating capacity for 650 readers. Half of the reading area is air-conditioned, while the air-conditioning of the rest  half is under active consideration. In addition, there is a Night Reading Facility with location on Ground Floor and  seating capacity for about 75 readers.

Library has a Smart Class Room for teaching the course PGS-501 to PG students. It is located at 2nd floor of the Library. Library course has been taught to PG and PhD students of different colleges of the University, LUVAS, CFST and MHU using the audio visual facilities of this smart class room during the period under report. This smart room is also used for delivering lectures/interaction on some other occasions.

Internet surfing facility was set up in 2001. Since then the library provides Internet Surfing facility to the students and faculty of the University for their academic and research use. For this purpose, the Library has a well equipped computer lab consisting of 32 latest PCs with Internet facility whereas provision of 32 internet points have provided for laptop users. This service is offered to the bonafide library patrons free of cost. Printouts of the searched articles are supplied @ Re. 1.00 per page. 

Online Catalogue (Online Public Access Catalogue) and database of Periodicals’ Holdings are accessible to the scientists/teachers/ extension specialists/ students/others from the PCs with linkage to the Campus Network and locations all over the university campus.  

The entire range of Circulation functions - use of RFID enabled University Smart ID Cards for  Check-out and Check-in of reading material, calculation of overdue charges, printing of gate-passes, reservation of books, printing of reminders for outstanding books, checking of a book whether it is checked-out or is available on shelf, if checked-out to whom it is issued and when it is due, blocking of user account, statistical data, and all other circulation-related functions -  is computerized.

HAU Bookshop is a unique service which this Library provides to the university community. No other library in the country offers this type of facility. Nehru Library also avails of Bookshop facility for the purchase of its  reading material. The university staff and students are also entitled to purchase personal books through the Bookshop and avail of discount facility. The University community is passed on entire amount discount which the Bookshop gets on cash sales, but retains a part of  discount on credit sales.

Self Issue Return User can himself/herself can get issued the documents using this facility. He must have carrying his Smart ID Card and desired document for this which he has to place on the RFID machine for issuance of document. After he get the document issued, a slip is generated (like on ATM machine) which he has to show on Property counter. 

Book Bank is a collection of multiple copies of textbooks. These books can be borrowed by the students for a semester (in semester system) or a year (in annual system) against  nominal rental charges (10% of the cost of the book if the cost is upto Rs. 100/- or Rs 10/- + 5% of the cost of the book exceeding Rs. 100/-). There is a Social Welfare Section in the Book Bank. Books placed in this Section are reserved for the students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and are issued to them free of charge. Each student is entitled to borrow four books from the Bank.

Fresh arrivals of books are displayed on ground floor near circulation counter so that users could get aware about latest collection purchased in library.

Updated On :   07-10-2023

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