
Infrastructure and Support Facilities

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University popularly known as HAU, is one of Asia's biggest agricultural universities, located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It is named after India's seventh Prime Minister, Chaudhary Charan Singh. It is a leader in agricultural research in India and contributed significantly to Green Revolution and White Revolution in India in the 1960s and 70s. It has a very large campus and has several research centres throughout the state. It won the Indian Council of Agricultural Research's Award for the Best Institute in 1997. HAU was initially a campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. After the formation of Haryana in 1966, it became an autonomous institution on February 2, 1970 through a Presidential Ordinance, later ratified as Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970, passed by the Lok Sabha on March 29, 1970. A. L. Fletcher, the first Vice-Chancellor of the university, was instrumental in its initial growth. The university has 8645 Acres land (around 7219 Acres. at main campus, 1426 Acres. at outstations). Since 1970 there has been significant advances in research, teaching and extension by creation of a strong infrastructure at its main campus and at outreach stations. Besides, the university has also provided a number of service centres including campus hospital, community centre, sports complex, guest houses and residences for its staff. Campus Core The development plan of the University is based on the concept of a Central Campus Core around which academic buildings for various colleges, schools and departments, residential, recreational and common facilities such as Faculty House and Club, Farmers' Hostel, Students' Hostel, Hospital, Shopping Centre etc., are built. The buildings comprising the Core are Gandhi Bhawan, Nehru Library, Indira Gandhi Auditorium and the Administration Building, situated on three sides of great Plazza, the greater part of which is four feet above ground level.The Gandhi Bhawan is meant for the Directorate of Extension Education. The Extension Directorate is the agency through which the university serves the people and helps to promote the socio-economic development of the State. The Nehru Library is where generations of students and faculty will seek truth, knowledge and the values that count for greatness in a nation. The Indira Gandhi Auditorium represents the voice of the people and their rising aspirations. 
Facilities In addition, CCS HAU also provides a number of welfare facilities (e.g. a 50 bedded hospital; a fully equipped faculty club; a campus school; community centre complex; staff quarters, guest houses, etc.) The Academy of Agricultural Research and Education Management (AAREM) is the recent addition in the university buildings. The building of Student Counselling and Placement Cell which will give students the opportunity to interact with National and International organisations for facilitating the job opportunities and other activities related to their career advancement. Spread over an area of 298 hectares, the university has scientifically well planned spacious buildings to accommodate four constituent colleges viz.College of Agriculture, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities and College of Home Science. Each college building is a complete institution in itself having large number of well-planned lecture rooms, laboratories, auditorium, seminar rooms, audio-visual Laboratories, computer facilities etc. To accommodate administrative staff, the University has a spacious administrative block an architectural marvel located in the heart of the campus known as Fletcher Bhawan. Directorate of Extension Education alongwith the Directorate of Publications is housed in a double storeyed spacious building named Gandhi Bhawan. Adjacent to Gandhi Bhawan is the Dean, Postgraduate Studies Block housing Dean PGS staff. The University has well planned systematically laid out hostel facilities catering to the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students. The hostel accommodation is sufficient enough to house each of the student on the University roll. There are separate hostels for in service and foreign students. University has a two room set married hostel for married students located in the residential complex. Each hostel has a separate complex housing catering services and indoor games alongwith modern recreational and communication facilities like TV and Phone. University has a well-furnished Faculty House having facilities at par with the modern guest houses serving housing need of the national as well as international scientists visiting CCS HAU, Hisar. There is a farmers' hostel just close to the Faculty House with same level of facilities for the farmers visiting the University. The Faculty House of the University can provide accommodation to about 72 persons at a time. Similarly, farmers' hostel could accommodate about 76 persons at its full occupancy. In addition to these modern housing accommodations, there is spacious Kisan Ashram catering to the needs of the farmer trainees attending different short-term courses organized by the Directorate of Extension Education from time to time. To serve the community needs of the faculty members, University has a spacious Faculty Club. Similarly, there is a community centre in order to serve the community needs of the supporting staff. The University has a Campus School catering to the basic educational requirements of the children of the University staff upto 12th standard, a well-equipped Campus Hospital having indoor and outdoor medical facilities. Beautifully planned shopping complex is another facility in the well-planned aesthetically designed building complexes of the University. Alongwith the official buildings, University has 1220 units of residential buildings (970 at Hisar and 242 at outstations) distributed into different categories. Laboratories The CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar has well equipped laboratories in each area of learning. Modern facilities like DNA Sequencer, UV-trans illuminator, PCR, FT-IR, Gene Gun, Gene Pulser, Electron Microscope, Submarine Electrophoresis Units, Inductivity coupled Plasma Spectrometer, X-ray differaction, HPLCs, GLCs etc. are presently available. The university continued to focus its basic research efforts and therefore, in addition to required laboratory support, facilities of screen house, green house and transgenic green house are also available. Experimental Farms The CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar has a well developed experimental farm of 994 hectares at main campus, Hisar alongwith ten experimental farms, one with each regional research stations covering an area of 568 hectares. The farm roads are interconnected by subroads and provide access to each of the block. The irrigation system is well planned on scientific line. The experimental farms are having advantage of both canal as well as tubewell irrigation facilities. The canal and tubewell irrigation systems are well integrated in order to improve water quality and to avoid transmission losses thereby increasing water use efficiency. Adequate number of farm machinery such as tractors, harrows, seed planters and harvesters are available for timely completion of farm operations. The farms are under direct control of the Director Research who is assisted by farm managers, technical staff and other farm related supporting staff. Keeping pace with the ever-increasing demand for quality seed, recently, the Government of Haryana has provided additional land of 1608 hectares to the University exclusively for seed production.

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