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The Department of Horticulture, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar came into existence with the establishment of College of Agriculture at Hisar in the then Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the year 1962.  With the bifurcation of universities, a full-fledged department started working during 1970.  The department has made steady progress in the field of research, teaching and transfer of technology during the entire period under report.  The Department of Horticulture has attained creditable status through its sustained and dedicated efforts over the last 39 years.  The department has been able to reach many heights in different aspects of research in the form of viable technology and their transfer to the farmers.  From time to time, there has been a significant expansion with respect to infrastructure and other facilities for conducting smooth research, teaching and extension programmes.  During this period, Research Stations were established at Buria and Bawal for generating information for recommending the technology for regional areas.  With the establishment of dry farming Research Station at Bawal, the department established its horticulture wing during the year 1974-75 in the south western part of the State.  The germplasm suitable for dry land area were introduced with respect of ber, aonla, bael, jamun and phalsa.  With the efforts of research workers, this station is catering to the needs of south western part of the State for supplying plant material and production technology of these fruit crops.  Another Regional Research Station particularly catering to horticultural needs was established in 1990 at Buria.  Subtropical fruits like mango, litchi, loquat and temperate fruits requiring low chilling like pear, peach, plum were introduced and evaluated.  Separate degree of M.Sc. (Horticulture) in Fruit Science and M.Sc. (Horticulture) in Floriculture & Landscape Architecture was started during 2010-11.

Updated On :   31-10-2018

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