21. |
Bond proforma for leave of the kind due for higher studies/fellowship
22. |
Proforma for promotion under new Career advancement Scheme - for moving the cases by HOD's
23. |
Submission of Programme of Work Proforma
24. |
Indent Form for consumable store and stationary articles
25. |
Application for grant of Casual leave/Restricted Holiday
26. |
Instructions for writing of ACR's/SAR's
27. |
Promotion of Sr. Scale Stenographer to the post of PA/grant of ACP scale
28. |
Indent Form AU 12/1, Instrumentation Cell
29. |
Approve the Academic Performance Indicators (API) based on Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) for promotion of teachers
30. |
Approve the Academic Performance Indicators (API) based on Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) for promotion of teachers (word file)